Honglin (虹霖) Bao
Innovation, Knowledge, and AI
Doctoral student, The Knowledge Lab & Data Science Institute, University of Chicago
Contact: honglinbao at uchicago dot edu
Hi there! I am Honglin (he/him). I am a doctoral student at UChicago working with James A. Evans. My overall research vision is to harness big data and AI to make sense of innovation and accelerate it in science and technology for the betterment of society.
I study the driving forces of innovation -- how new ideas are born and spread; how social, scientific, and technological institutions accelerate discovery and influence collective cognition, collaboration, and evaluation; and how innovation and broader societal issues like inequality and policy interact.
I use and develop computational/quantitative methods: network analysis, NLP, machine learning, causal inference/econometrics, and agent-based modeling. I am especially interested in new technologies like AI for representing, simulating, automating, and detecting innovation.
Broadly, I am interested in the general theory behind generative novelties in human understanding and LLMs, and how social science methodological paradigms learn from Generative AI.
My works appear in top peer-reviewed journals and proceedings across computer science, network science, and social sciences including Nature Communications.
I have backgrounds in mathematics, computer science, social science, and evolutionary biology. Before Chicago I graduated from Michigan State and was a research associate at Harvard Business School (Organizations and Management). I am from Northeastern China where I volunteered for LGBTQ health for years. I like sports and my most recent bench press was 185 lbs.
I widely and closely collaborate with innovation scholars outside Chicago. Drop me an email if you are interested in working together!
Selected Papers
I advertise the papers I think a lot about through my X highlights.
AI & Scientific Innovation
Where there's a will there's a way: ChatGPT is used more for science in countries where it is prohibited [Preprint]
TL; DR: Restricting ChatGPT geographically is ineffective in science, yet ChatGPT's impact on improving research quality remains limited.
Presented at Harvard D^3 Institute research workshop 2024.
Innovation Diffusion
Cultural Ties in American Sociology [Preprint]
Revise & Resubmit, Poetics ("field top" in cultural sociology)
TL; DR: Status and geo-location shape "cultural ties" and the formation of schools of thought in American sociology.
Presented at Meeting of the American Sociological Association Science Knowledge and Technology Section 2023, Harvard D^3 Institute research workshop 2023, and NC State Structures, Identities, and Society Seminar 2023. Slides
Evaluation of Innovation
A simulation-based analysis of the impact of rhetorical citations in science [Paper]
Nature Communications, 2024
TL; DR: Using a counterfactual simulation, we find "bad" citing unexpectedly reduces the reproduction of inequality in science.
Featured in Nature's Computational Social Science Collection; Selected media coverage “Swarm Agents Club 集智俱乐部”; X thread
Presented at Computational Organization Modeling Society Brown Bag Seminar 2023 and Harvard D^3 Institute research workshop 2022. Slides
Selected Work in Progress
"Vogue" in Science, with Alex Xiaoqin Yan (Yale), Tom Leppard and Andrew Davis (NC State). Oral presentations at ICSSI (Intl. Conf. on Science of Science and Innovation) 2024 and IC2S2 (Intl. Conf. for Computational Social Science) 2024.
Publishing Venues and Science, with Kai Li (Tennessee).
Credibility in Science, with Mengyi Sun (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) and Misha Teplitskiy (Michigan).
Services / Teaching
Occasional reviewer for IC2S2 (Intl. Conf. for Computational Social Science).