Honglin (虹霖) Bao

Innovation, Complex Systems, and AI for Social Science

Contact: hbao at hbs dot edu or baohlcs at gmail dot com

Digital, Data, and Design Institute -- my official D^3@Harvard page

Harvard Business School

#I stand for open science

Hi there! I am Honglin (he/him), a computational social science research associate in D^3/Harvard Business School working with Drs. Anjali Bhatt and Amit Goldenberg. I also collaborate on papers with Dr. Misha Teplitskiy (UMichigan School of Information) and NC State Network Analysis Group

My papers appear in top peer-reviewed journals and proceedings across computer science, statistical physics/network science, and social sciences including Nature Communications.

I have training in mathematics, computer science, social science, and evolutionary biology and I draw insights from multidisciplinary theories to enrich my research. Before coming to HBS I graduated from Michigan State where I researched multi-agent reinforcement learning in games. I am from Northeastern China where I volunteered for LGBTQ health for years. I am a big fan of sports, especially squat bench deadlift and lifting my heaviest.