Honglin (虹霖) Bao

Innovation, Knowledge, and AI

Doctoral student, Knowledge Lab & Data Science Institute, University of Chicago

Contact: honglinbao at uchicago dot edu

Hi there! I am Honglin (he/him). I am a doctoral student at the University of Chicago working with James A. Evans. My overall research vision is to harness big data and AI to make sense of innovation and accelerate it in science and technology for the betterment of society.

My work appears in top peer-reviewed journals and proceedings across computer science, network science, and social sciences including Nature Communications.

I have training in mathematics, computer science, social science, and evolutionary biology. Before Chicago I graduated from Michigan State and did research in Harvard Business School. I am from Northeastern China where I volunteered for LGBTQ health for years. I support Boston Bruins.

I widely and closely collaborate with innovation scholars outside Chicago. Drop me an email if you are interested in working together.

Selected Papers

I occasionally advertise my papers through my Twitter(X) highlights.

Technology & Innovation

ChatGPT is Used More for Science in Countries Where it is Prohibited -- Yet its Impact on Research Quality Remains Limited [Preprint]

Twitter thread 1; Twitter thread 2

Presented at HBS D^3 research workshop 2024


Status and Geo-location Shape "Cultural Ties" and the Formation of Schools of Thought [Paper]

Revise & Resubmit, Poetics ("field top" in cultural sociology)

Twitter thread

Presented at AS(ociology)A 2023 Science Knowledge and Technology section and HBS D^3 research workshop 2023 Slides


"Bad" Citing Reduces the Reproduction of Inequality in Science [Paper]

Nature Communications, 2024

Featured in Nature's Computational Social Science Collection; Selected media coverage “Swarm Agents Club 集智俱乐部”; Twitter thread

Code and data; Presented at Computational Organization Modeling Society Brown Bag Seminar 2023 and HBS D^3 research workshop 2022 Slides

Selected Work in Progress